Pop's Tackle Box Tournament Rules

Pop's Tackle Box Bass Tournament Top 5 Longest Bass

 1. Registration and Entry Fee

All participants must completely fill out the official registration step #1

  1. Format:
    1. Anglers will be allowed to fish from land or flotation device or
    2. Anglers will participate using a Catch Photo Release (CPR)
    3. Anglers will submit photos of their 5 longest bass either small mouth or large

Anglers are required submit all catches using the app TourneyX

  1. Anglers must be using an easy to read measuring
  2. Measurements will be taken in Inches
  3. The angler with the largest total inches of bass will win the tournament
  1. Catch:
    1. All fish must be taken with a fishing rod, line and hook during the IGFA rules apply except for the use of treble hooks.
    2. Artificial lures and flies are allowed. Live or dead cut bait is not
    3. Fish must be hooked in the
    4. The use of umbrella rigs, scents, and Gulp, is
    5. Bass must be alive during photograph and released
  2. Unique Identifier (UI):
    1. Anglers will be given an UI code for the tournament. This UI code is very important to the angler as it must be in the picture of your fish for the fish to
    2. The Unique Identifier will be revealed on TourneyX to each individual angler at just

prior to the start of the tournament.

  1. Photo:

All fish must be photographed on an easy to read measuring device. You must use a camera phone or digital camera for the picture.

  1. Fish must be lying flat, facing left to right, with mouth closed in a natural resting position centered against the start of the measuring The fish must appear in a natural state. The tail will be measured as it lies.
  2. “Angler Assist” shall be allowed when handling large fish. Anglers may summon a

nearby friend for assistance in measuring and photographing the fish, to get a clear measurement and ensure the safety of the fish. The photo must be taken with the angler’s own phone or camera.

  1. Photo must be taken on the angler’s vessel or near the catch site if fishing from shore with the angler's UI clearly visible in every picture for it to count.
  2. Anglers are responsible for having pictures clear and visible for the judge’s The judges and the tournament director have official say on a fish’s length.

  1. Images may not be digitally altered or enhanced in any
  1. CPR Photo Criteria:
    1. All criteria must be met or the photo will not be
    2. Show the whole fish, tip to tail (aside from your hand, the fish must be clear of any devices. The eyes/mouth/fins/tail of the fish cannot be obstructed in the photo).
    3. Lay the fish with the tip of the mouth at the beginning of the
    4. Measurement markings on the measuring board shall be clearly
    5. An angler’s assigned official token/card shall be
    6. One overhead photo (taken from directly above, not at an angle).
  2. CPR Judging:
    1. The judge will round down to the closest .25” from where the tail
    2. Judges have full discretion on open mouth and where the tail
    3. If there is a questionable photo, judges can ask tournament director to make final
    4. Each angler may submit their photo before the submission deadline Will be announced through email and in the Facebook Group.
  3. Ties:
    1. Any ties in total inches will be rewarded to the angler who submitted their catch
  4. Safety:
    1. All anglers are to follow the laws specifically stated by the state of where
    2. Each angler must have a valid fishing license for the duration of the
  5. Ethics:
    1. Anglers are to use sportsmanship on and off the
    2. Be respectful of other participants that are launching or fishing in similar areas to
    3. Anglers are expected to follow all the
    4. Anyone caught cheating could receive punishment by law and receive lifetime bans from other fishing events and tournaments.
    5. During the hours of competition, contestants shall not obtain or receive
  6. Penalties:
    1. Open Mouth on fish; .5” deduction
    2. Unnatural manipulation of the fish aside from pinching the tail; .5” deduction penalty
    3. Token and/or card missing in photo; fish will be
  7. Disqualifications:
    1. Any fish on a stringer or restrained to a Hawg Trough by any means other than the competitors hand or the approved bands. This includes: grips, stringers, hooks, lures,
    2. Token and/or card missing in photo; fish will be

  1. Formal complaints:
    1. Any concerns regarding clarification of rules shall be discussed with the Tournament Director BEFORE the start of the tournament.
    2. The Tournament Director will have the final decision on any formal